Lincolnshire - from 2010

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The greenhouse is now ready for the next 2011 season although we did get a few late small crops from it.

The tropical plants I have been growing in the conservatory, for the greenhouse, continue to grow and it's a good place for the cherry wine I am trying to make also!

I designed and planted the flower beds in order to paint from, I can see a few compositions here, so you may see them completed later?

Our cherry tree produced fruit not sweet enough for desert but fine for wine and pies. The nearby marshland nature reserve has a delightful display of "Sea Lavender". This and the Yellow Ragwort flowers are ideal for butterflies such as the Blue, Peacock and Tortoishell.

One of my main reasons for creating the flower gardens, as I have, is to use them for my painting and offer the facility to other artists if they wish. After only 4 months I am now able to do a photo shoot for compositions. Liz (above) and Rosie (below) assisted as models. I hope to take further shots at the beach later and also when my sunflowers are out in a few weeks.



I should have some great material here for winter painting of oils, watercolours and pastels?!

So here I am having my first session out there!

Lottie the Labrador and Cracker the kitten now join our family!

The pond and garden outside the studio attracts birds in winter.

Summer 2011


New plans showing the wildlife/meadow areas and new flower beds.

The greenhouse is now full of melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and many plants. The ponds are established and flower beds in full bloom.





































































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